Fabian Therapy evolution

2-in-1 NIV plus High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC)
Fabian Therapy evolution is a 2-in-1 device. It is a small wonder. The fabian Therapy evolution is our NIV dedicated system packed in a small yet powerful package, making it ideal for NICU, PICU and transport applications.
A wide choice of NIV-ventilation modes for all your needs and compatible with the most popular NIV interfaces available today.

NIV plus High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) available in one device for an easy and safe weaning program.

Ventilation beyond limits
Advanced nCPAP and DuoPAP modes, for nasal ventilation, with automatic leak compensation, two-level CPAP mode improves CO2removal.

Ease of use

Intuitive touch display
A clear, bright touch-TFT display – visible at any angle and distance – with intuitive commands reduces human error and puts the focus back on the baby.

One-touch principle
All operation procedures are carried out by a direct, time-saving and easy to understand ‘one-touch’ principle.

Colour coding
See waveform, numeric data, virtual flowmeters, ventilator status, etc., clearly displayed and represented, with color coded status zones.

Developmental care

Electromedical devices such as ventilators are a potential source of high noise levels and have a major impact on the baby’s development process. The best ones are hardly heard or seen – they just do their job.
The fabian Therapy evolution is equipped with highly precise electronic flowmeters and innovative automatic leakage compensation: this makes it the most advanced non-invasive ventilator in the world today.

Patient Safety

On the receiving end of our ventilators are the tiniest and most fragile patients imaginable. To keep them safe and protected whenever they are ventilated is the starting point of all our thoughts.

  • Integrated lock function keyboard to prevent inadvertent settings.
  • Easy maintenance no components for disinfection and sterilization mean no risk of infection inside ventilator.
  • No bacterial filters and therefore no risk of increased resistance during humidified ventilatory therapies.
  • Optimal support with reduced Work Of Breathing (iWOB).
  • Reduced error risk thanks to the self-training ACUTRONIC concept inside.
  • Built-in backup battery pack for up to three hours of self-powered operation.

Does even more. Weighs even less.

Medical technology should make the workflow faster and easier for clinicians. Interfaces should be familiar and intuitive at a glance — consistent across different workstations thus reducing the potential for error. Data should be entered once and be available across multiple platforms to support decision making.
Ultimately, innovations in ventilators’ design and clinical information management can improve both patient safety and outcomes while supporting the maximum flexibility.

  • Comprehensive device allowing easy access to the baby at all times without disturbing the bed site inside the NICU/PICU
  • Lightweight unit designed for safe practical transport with integrated electronic gas blender and built-in battery

Fabian Therapy evolution highlights

  • Communication Interface – Digital Interface with all hospital lnformation systems, download ventilation and monitoring data.
  • Service mode – “Service mode” with advanced diagnostics via USB port, standard Ethernet connection.
  • Flexible & scalable – The system is flexible and can be used with all conventional breathing circuits currently available on the market.
  • Microprocessor – Built-in microprocessor, multi-language, guaranteed, upgradeable, all connections clearly placed and easily accessible.
  • Minimizes your disposables spend as no rebreathing bag, Co2 absorber or tubes are needed.
  • Automatic leak detection – No preparation time before starting the test and automatic switched to the next sequence during the measurement.
  • Differentiation of fast and slow lung compartments – Measurement of Lung Clearance Index (LCI) to diagnose patients with small airway diseases.


Service is essential to keep medical equipment operational and safe. Our Nordic service team consists of experienced service technicians stationed across the Nordic countries. Our service technicians are ready to take on your every service need.”

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