
Sentec Digital Monitor (SDM) with activated PO2 channel for tcPCO2, tcPO2, SpO2, PR and HP monitoring
The Sentec Digital Monitoring System with PO2 (SDMS-PO2) provides continuous and non-invasive real-time monitoring of ventilation (tcPCO2), oxygenation (tcPO2) and Heating Power (HP) for neonatal patients. In pediatric / adult patients, the system can be used for tcPCO2, tcPO2, SpOI2, Pulse Rate, Pulsation Index (PI) and HP monitoring.
Transcutaneous monitoring (TCM) provides clinicians with greater insight to quickly identify trends, rapidly and accurately assess patient status, and make more well-informed, timely care decisions.

  • Weight: 2.3 kg (5.1 lbs) – including gas cylinder
  • Size: 10.2 cm x 27.0 cm x 23.0 cm
  • Flip feet: Flip feet serving as carrying handle or to adjust angle for improved table-top viewing.
  • Mountable: Mountable on roll/ infusion stands, wall mounts/ railings, transport incubators, etc.
  • Sensor options: OxiVenT™ Sensor (tcPCO2, tcPO2, SpO2, PR and RHP)/ V-Sign™ Sensor (tcPCO2, SpO2, PR and RHP)

Application areas

SenTec transcutaneous monitoring provides continuous, accurate values regardless of ventilation method. The SenTec ventilation monitoring can be used in different application areas depending on the care setting chosen:

  • Neonatal and pediatric intensive care
  • Acute respiratory care
  • Diagnostic sleep medicine
  • Home ventilation management
  • Anaesthesia and post-operative care

OxiVenT™ Sensor

Carbon dioxide tension oxygen tension and Pulse oximetry sensor

  • Digital Sensor
  • Non-invasive and continuous measurement of tcPCO2, tcPO2, pulse oximetry (SpO2, PR), pulsation index and relative heating power (RHP)
  • Suitable for adult, pediatric, and neonatal* patients
  • Reusable, waterproof
  • To be attached to the patient with Multi-Site Attachment Ring (MAR) or Ear Clip
  • Includes 1 single Clothing Clip (SC-CC)
  • To be connected to the «SDM» with a «Digital Sensor Adapter Cable»

* In neonatal patients, the use of the OxiVenT™ Sensor is currently indicated for carbon dioxide tension and oxygen tension monitoring only.

V-Sign™ Sensor 2

Carbon dioxide tension and Pulse oximetry sensor

  • Digital Sensor
  • Noninvasive and continuous measurement of tcPCO2, pulse oximetry (SpO2, PR), pulsation index and relative heating power (RHP)
  • Suitable for adult, pediatric, and neonatal* patients
  • Reusable, waterproof
  • To be attached to the patient with Multi-Site Attachment Ring (MAR) or Ear Clip
  • Includes 1 single Clothing Clip (SC-CC)
  • To be connected to the «SDM» with a «Digital Sensor Adapter Cable» (AC-XXX)

* In neonatal patients, the use of the V-Sign™ Sensor is currently indicated for carbon dioxide tension monitoring only.


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